May 2019

Go Ahead, Try This at Home!

By |2023-11-21T06:57:39-04:00May 22nd, 2019|

I have been doing minor surgical procedures all my 31 years of being a surgeon but the last 4 years that's ALL I've done here at QuikSurg. As you could imagine, I have heard some amazing stories of things like, "I decided to just wash that cut off and slap some super glue on it... and it worked" or " that little thing was bothering me so I grabbed it and just jerked it off my arm". The technical name for doing things like that is DYI and sometimes they work, you are successful, the thing you plucked off or the cut you closed with super glue didn't have a problem. I decided it would be best if you are bound and determined to "try this at home" that I, at least, could give a few pointers along the way. I am not a fan of superglue for cuts for 3 main reasons. You would not want to glue a wound closed that had bacteria in it so any wound requires a thorough cleaning/rinsing before repair. Superglue is not a medical glue and can cause a reactive dermatitis in some patients. And lastly, glue is not the best thing [...]

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January 2019

The Human Factor

By |2023-11-21T06:58:19-04:00January 31st, 2019|

As a surgeon who has recently moved from the operating room to the procedure room, I have tried to read as much as possible on the future of medicine. I am happy to report that the future has some bright spots. While we were waiting for the politicians to make decisions, medical-type people have stepped up and made patients the number one consideration! This headline says it best, "Improving patient satisfaction will be key for 2019". In other words, putting the patient first and foremost has emerged as important... again. But in the midst of all the technology and artificial intelligence (AI) which is incredible, we will need to constantly remind ourselves of the human factor. You might recall the scene in "Sully" where Tom Hanks (Captain Sullenberger) and his co-pilot are taken before the review board after the emergency water landing on the Hudson River. They were shown computer simulations of the pilot's going through the same scenario of being hit by birds and losing both engines and making it back safely to either La Guardia or Teterboro Airports. In other words, the landing on the Hudson was unnecessary. Sully tells them "In these simulations, you've taken all the humanity [...]

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July 2018

The Feeling of Freedom

By |2023-11-21T06:59:55-04:00July 7th, 2018|

Note: I normally write these blogs to point you the way to QuikSurg, my unique minor surgery clinic in Chattanooga, Tennessee but today I write this one for the sheer joy of a great story. Sure, there is a connection, but it seems obvious so I will just leave you with the story... With the pardon of Alice Johnson by President Trump last week, I have been reminded once again of the incredible feelings that Ms. Johnson must have felt (and is still feeling) when she stepped out of the prison gate in Alabama and breathed "free" air. Her words: "When I saw my family and I got outside that prison van, I felt like I was flying and not running!" She was incarcerated for first-time drug charges and money laundering and received a life sentence. Having served 21 years of her sentence, a celebrity (Kim Kardashian West) heard of her story and made a visit to the White House to meet with President Trump. After their conversation, Trump felt that she had paid her debt and granted Alice Johnson clemency. 21 years is a long time to remain hopeful, I think I would have trouble after 21 days. Surely you remember [...]

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Beating The System

By |2023-11-21T07:00:37-04:00July 7th, 2018|

I can still remember how I felt when I learned about the system that my college used to register for classes. It was entirely fair and equitable to all students. I didn't disagree with it but it was never going to work for me. Allow me to explain... This was the era of paper and pencils, many years before your phone was a computer. So "online registration" wasn't even close to being possible and that meant standing in long, hot lines in alphabetical arrangement ( A's through D's at 10 AM, E's through H's at 10:45 AM, etc for Fall Quarter, then another order for Winter Quarter...) to get into the main gym where a 100+ desks were set up with computer cards for each class that quarter. (computers were around, it's just that they were all as big as a refrigerator) You got into the class by pulling a card for the desired class. Because of the "fair and equitable" alphabetical system, you were going to get the classes you wanted for that one quarter and for the next quarter you might get half the classes you wanted and for one quarter you might as well sit it out. By the time [...]

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Don’t Wait

By |2024-03-04T17:37:05-04:00July 7th, 2018|

This is an infected sebaceous cyst. There is infection present and that means (at least in this case) that the infected cyst now has an abscess associated with it. Which means a pus pocket will form around the cyst. Bottom line...  this cyst will need much more attention than an uninfected cyst! So the best thing you can do is have the cyst removed before it becomes an abscess + cyst. Here are a few tips that may prevent problems if you have a cyst: * Cysts are common on the back where it's easy to ignore them, especially if they are not causing immediate problems. You are better off not ignoring them! * Although it's tempting, it's not the best practice to try and "squeeze out the stuff" from a cyst. Cysts have a thin wall around all that goo and just getting out the goo does not solve the problem and in fact, can lead to causing the pus pocket. * It's also tempting to go to a "doc-in-the-box" and have it treated but remember, it's not OK to just remove the cyst's contents and leave the wall and it's also not OK to just be put on antibiotics without a plan to [...]

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The Times

By |2023-11-21T07:05:45-04:00July 7th, 2018|

By the time I hit the 7th grade, I was pretty much listening to the small brown radio in my room every night. So when Bob Dylan's song, "The Times They Are A'Changin'' made the top 40, I was all about it. Of course, I had no idea what it all meant, but I knew it was a song I liked and so did lots of others. Bob Dylan wasn't known for his great voice but rather for his folk songs with a message and that song still has a message that is heard whenever we think the times need changing. When it comes to healthcare, it's clearly true that the times are changing and they have needed to change for quite a while. It's hard to find a doctor who's been around a while who isn't frustrated with the way we are treating patients. I can't think of any other professions where we schedule appointments 3 months down the road and then when they show up we make them wait again in the reception area! (It used to be called the waiting room until someone thought it needed a more politically correct name) We see patients but pay more [...]

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The Triple Aim – What Is It?

By |2023-11-21T07:06:50-04:00July 7th, 2018|

Have you ever heard of the triple aim? You have probably heard of the triple crown in horse racing. We are just about to run the last race of that famous triple called the Belmont Stakes. I am old enough to remember my favorite triple crown winner, Secretariat. He won the last jewel (Belmont) by 31 lengths and still holds the record for that distance, a mile and a half. You have probably heard of a triple play in baseball. They are rare, there have been only 716 triple plays in Major League Baseball in the last 142 years! They require a combination of events: there must be at least 2 baserunners with no outs and the ball is typically hit sharply to an infielder, and these particular situations also happen semi-rarely. So what is a triple aim? Don't feel bad if you haven't heard of it because it's a term know to healthcare providers in particular. And even then it depends on which healthcare provider you read but it's typically: 1) better care 2) better health 3) lower overall costs Those are noble and valuable goals to be sure. But it's not where most healthcare is now and [...]

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…But Now I See

By |2023-11-21T07:14:43-04:00July 7th, 2018|

I don't have many memories of being a 7 year old but one or two really stand out. Lincoln School was my elementary school and Mrs. Hansen was my teacher in the second grade where I used to sit near the back of the class (the place for the R's). I do remember thinking to myself, "how do the other kids see the stuff Mrs. Hansen is writing on the blackboard? Apparently, she picked up on my inability to see that far because not long after that, my mom and I were at the Ophthalmologist's office and I was told I would be getting glasses. Not really knowing what glasses would do for me, I don't remember being excited about it. Until the day came when we returned to the doctor's office for the delivery of the goods. That doc was shrewd, he took me over to the window of his office and asked me to look out there and tell him what I saw. His office was on the top floor of the Wing Building whose 4 stories made it one of the tallest building in our town! (Still is, I'm pretty sure). He stood behind me and then placed [...]

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The Answer

By |2023-11-21T07:15:31-04:00July 7th, 2018|

The Question: "Dr. Redd, I have heard you say that you believe that there is a way that healthcare should be done. What do you mean?" The Answer: The reason that we started QuikSurg was that we believed healthcare had become completely distorted. I have spent the last 30 years in the practice of general surgery and I have watched as the doctor/patient slowly became less and less important. It makes for an interesting discussion to talk about how to "fix" healthcare but the solution is always found by starting and ending with the patient. That's what we have done at QuikSurg... we have made it all about you: * We will not make you wait. We have the patient in front of the surgeon within 3 minutes of their arrival. * We will not make you pay an arm and a leg to remove things from your arms or legs (or any other place). * We will be nice to you and treat you like you are the doctor's mother. * We will do our best to make our local anesthesia as painless as possible. * We will remove a wart and if that wart returns within one month, we [...]

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Happy To Be The Exception, Not The Rule

By |2023-11-21T07:16:34-04:00July 7th, 2018|

I have 3 friends from my college days and we have all remained close friends since those days more than 40 years ago. I doubt that many people could make that statement. It is the exception and not the rule to have friends like that. The other days I was laughing with one of them about those days at California Polytechnic State University, better known as Cal Poly. None of us has been exactly "usual" in the way we have gone about our lives and that was even present way back then... I applied to Cal Poly in1970 and, unlike most colleges, I had to declare a major before I was accepted. I honestly had no idea what to major in, I was just happy to be going to college! After trying to "declare" 3 majors (they were all full), I was finally accepted as an Ag Business major. If I could have chosen 2 things that I knew absolutely nothing about, it would have been agriculture and business. The rule would have been something I was remotely familiar with (like biology), the exception was ag business. BUT, I was in the door! I started taking general education classes, still trying to figure [...]

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