It’s The System
"I just got sick and tired of being an "assembly line" doctor"! I knew immediately what she meant by that statement, she was on the medical treadmill and going nowhere. Her previous places of employment as a doctor were like production lines, impersonal and cold and neither the patients nor the doctors were happy. But the concept of an assembly line can actually be a good thing in health care, it's not the assembly line that's the problem as much as the people responsible for running it. An assembly line is just a system, a system that allows for maximum efficiency. Take the world's most famous assembly line, the one designed by Henry Ford. In the autumn of 1908, Henry Ford's first Model T rolled out. It cost $825. While much less expensive than the other cars of that time, for Ford it was still too expensive. Ford was convinced that ordinary hard-working people needed cars and his cars were still not affordable for the masses. In 1913, he visited a meat packing plant in Chicago and saw how the large slabs of meat were on an overhead trolley system and butchers would slice off their piece of meat as [...]