July 2018

Trusting in the Reviews

By |2023-11-21T07:17:17-04:00July 7th, 2018|

So what do you do if you are a brand new business that struggles with "new concept syndrome"? I just made that syndrome up but I honestly think there is such a diagnosis for new businesses that have tried to start something new. Several months back, we set up a tent at an outdoor neighborhood festival and had at least 30-40 people stop by and talk with us about QuikSurg. By far, the most common comment was "I wondered who you were and what you did in there as I drove by and saw your sign". There is a certain amount of fear and suspicion that goes with something "new", especially in the healthcare field. Those who have decided to see what we are about have been pleasantly surprised to learn that we not really "new", we are just a clinic designed for patients and not for frustration. We have tried to simplify the experience of going to the doctor, in this case... a surgeon for minor surgical procedures. One thing that has clearly helped our cause is the "star" review system that we ask patients to do. We have had several people "trust us" based on the reviews of others. [...]

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Responding To A Need

By |2023-11-21T07:18:15-04:00July 7th, 2018|

If you were around in the 1950's you might remember the beginnings of the Interstate Highway System under the leadership of President Eisenhower. It officially started in 1956 and the original system was proclaimed to be completed in 1992. With that freeway system came many other "industries" such as the motel (Arthur Heineman built the first motel in San Luis Obispo, California and wanted to call it the "Milestone Motor Hotel" but has to shorten to mo-tel after he could not fit the entire name on his rooftop). Motels reached their peak in the 1960's but were largely replaced by larger chain hotels at highway interchanges. With those motels and hotels came fast food restaurants. Again, springing up like weeds along the freeways and designed for people on the move who wanted a bite to eat but didn't want to spend a lot of time looking for a restaurant. And naturally, people moving along the freeway needed gas and car service so "service stations" evolved in these same areas. A family of 5 (like mine) could embark on a long trip from southern Oregon to southern California and save large amounts of time by stopping at a freeway exit that had food, gas [...]

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The Freedom of Why

By |2023-11-21T07:19:00-04:00July 7th, 2018|

When people first come to QuikSurg, we typically ask them, "how did you hear about us"? The most common answer is "I Googled _______" (fill in the blank with mole or wart or cyst removal, for example) They found someone to take something off of them that they wanted off. When they get here, they learn that we are a different kind of clinic. They are given a 1/2 page form to fill out and then they are seen almost immediately. They pay a cash fee that is always less than they expect (usually way less!) and they are treated like family. It's a place that kind of surprises people because it's unique in many ways: who ever heard of a minor surgical clinic? how can they see me so quickly? why is the price so much lower than the hospital ER or a dermatologist's office? QuikSurg does have a story behind it and that story is what drives us to do the things we do... I am a surgeon who has spent the last 30 years caring for patients with surgical problems. The "machine" (America's medical system) has continued to change over those 30 years and I have tried to keep pace [...]

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The Urgent Care Center of Restaurants

By |2023-11-21T07:19:46-04:00July 7th, 2018|

I thoroughly enjoyed reading a blog on KevinMD.com by Dr. Linda Girgis entitled "These McDonald's practices should be avoided in health care". I agreed with her premise and her conclusions but I began to wonder if there are now ways that healthcare can learn from the way McDonald's does things and therefore we should advance them rather than avoid them. I am old enough to remember when McDonald's started as a fast food eatery in San Bernardino, California. The original brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, had the idea of providing an efficient and clean "walk-up" restaurant that ran like an assembly line. Not everyone liked it. Some thought they were too hurried. They wanted to sit down, order, and eat their meal without the rush. But others found the pace to fit them and their situation. I see McDonald's as the "urgent care center" of restaurants. It's not an expensive restaurant, it's not a "hospital". It's a facility where you can go where a sore throat doesn't take 2 hours to figure out, where an earache in a toddler does not require an extended time to diagnose. I am not a frequenter of McDonald's but I occasionally stop in there especially when [...]

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A Meeting of Doctors

By |2023-11-21T07:21:06-04:00July 7th, 2018|

I just had one of the more delightful weekends that I have had in a long time. A few months ago, I was invited to speak at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Conference called "Thrive, Not Just Survive". The meeting was this past Friday in Atlanta. The AAPS is celebrating it's 75th anniversary this year, supporting doctors since 1943. It is dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine. I had the opportunity to talk for 20 minutes about QuikSurg and to be an encouragement to those who were thinking about starting their own cash-based practice. Both my wife and I were impressed by the attendees at the conference... they were all about returning the joy of practicing medicine to the doctor and the patient! It was refreshing to hear of others who had decided to leave the middleman behind and offer transparency and respect for patient's time and money. Thank you, AAPS for all you do!

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Local Anesthesia

By |2023-11-23T07:23:22-04:00July 7th, 2018|

I think it's important to talk about the anesthesia we use at QuikSurg because it's a big part of who we are. We use local anesthesia called lidocaine that is absolutely adequate for all the procedures we do. It is the safest form of anesthesia because it numbs the area... I tell my patients "After this medicine is in, you should have NO pain, not a little pain, but none." As a resident in general surgery, I was interested in ways to eliminate pain so I studied the local anesthetic medications and ways to make the experience better. Turns out, there are 3 things that make a big difference: 1) The speed of injection of the medicine- if you get in a hurry and inject too fast, the injection really hurts. This is probably the most common cause of pain while giving this medication. 2) The pH of the medicine- pH is a measure of acidity or basicity of any fluid. Body fluids having a nearly neutral pH. Most local anesthetics are on the acid side so we buffer the local with normal saline or bicarbonate to bring the pH more towards neutral. This significantly diminishes the pain of injection. 3) The [...]

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By |2023-11-23T07:21:17-04:00July 7th, 2018|

They are true tumors but they are not cancers. That's what I try to remember to tell every patient I see with a lipoma. Because they are lumps just under the skin they are often confused with skin cysts but the key difference is that cysts are fluid filled and lipomas are solid. The name "lipoma" tells you exactly what it is: "lipo"= fat and "oma"= tumor so a lipoma is a fatty tumor but (again) almost never a cancerous tumor. Lipomas will grow but they won't spread to distant parts of the body. They can be multiple or solitary but they eventually become bothersome like the one I saw not long ago on the back of a 32-year-old man. "This thing is bugging me and I want it off. What is it, anyway?" I explained that it was likely a lipoma and therefore not dangerous but it probably will continue to enlarge. I have seen some pretty big lipomas poking out of a t-shirt! I have removed lipomas the size of a pencil eraser and some the size of California grapefruit. They are usually fairly straightforward in their removal but they can have "fingers" of branching off fatty tumors that [...]

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Don’t Go To The ER Unless You Have To!

By |2023-11-21T07:23:24-04:00July 7th, 2018|

Kristin Prentiss Ott has written a very informative blog called "10 Things You Might Not Know About The Emergency Department" and the very first one is: "Wait times in most emergency departments are ridiculous. But, if you have a real emergency, you won't have to wait." I couldn't agree more. I think the ED is clearly one of the most valuable places in any hospital IF you have an emergency. Many ED docs will tell you that many people abuse the ED. Case in point: The man who has chronic back pain for 2 months and then suddenly decides he has an "emergency" and heads to the ED to be seen by a doctor. That man will likely have to wait a long time to be seen especially if there are real emergencies going on around him. Which is why Urgent Care Centers were invented. They don't see people with heart attacks, gunshot wounds or stroke victims (which are true emergencies!), they see people who have had the "stomach flu" and need some nausea meds and a liter of IV fluid or people who have an angry "boil" on their back and need it drained or that back pain guy [...]

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By |2023-11-21T07:24:09-04:00July 7th, 2018|

When a patient calls in and says, "I have 5 or so moles, I want you to look them over" I am happy to do it but chances are good that one out of the 5 is actually a mole and the others are (probably) benign skin lesions that most people just call "moles". A mole (the medical term is nevus) is a collection of pigmented cells called melanocytes. They can be in odd places on the body, they can be acceptable to the patient in a cosmetic kind of way or they can be not at all acceptable. They can be "suspicious" in that they can force you to wonder about a skin cancer. So when people come in and say, "can you take his off?", I do it if at all possible. Sometimes I recommend it be sent to a pathologist for identification but sometimes I can tell just by looking that it's not a dangerous "mole". You should know that most moles are not cancers. In general, cancer is ugly... not symmetrical, not having regular borders but irregular(jagged), not one color but sometimes more than one, and cancer tends to change and not stay the same. Benign things [...]

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Foreign Bodies

By |2023-11-23T07:19:34-04:00July 7th, 2018|

"I know there's a wire right here in my arm. I saw it go in but I couldn't stop it and I couldn't get a hold of it, but I know it's in there" And he was right. There was an inch long small gauge wire in his left forearm. Although it was difficult to feel, I could feel something that felt like a wire so I knew I could probably get it. I injected a small amount of local anesthesia and made a small incision right over that area. Sure enough, there it was. It was removed and given to the patient in a small container. "Foreign bodies can be anything that doesn't belong... from splinters to fishhooks to bullets to glass pieces to well... wires. The general rule for the surgeon is, if you can feel it, you can go after it. If a patient says "there's something there" but you can't feel it, it's a hunting expedition and they are seldom rewarding. If the FB is in a finger, a splinter, for example, a finger block is done (with plain lidocaine) so that the entire finger is made numb. That allows the surgeon to dissect out the splinter without [...]

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